Nguyen, L. T.; Moutesidi, P.; Ziegler, J.; Glasneck, A.; Khosravi, S.; Abel, S.; Hensel, G.; Krupinska, K.; Humbeck, K.; WHIRLY1 regulates aliphatic glucosinolate biosynthesis in early seedling development of Arabidopsis Plant J. 121, e17181, (2025) DOI: 10.1111/tpj.17181
SUMMARYWHIRLY1 belongs to a family of plant‐specific transcription factors capable of binding DNA or RNA in all three plant cell compartments that contain genetic materials. In Arabidopsis thaliana, WHIRLY1 has been studied at the later stages of plant development, including flowering and leaf senescence, as well as in biotic and abiotic stress responses. In this study, WHIRLY1 knockout mutants of A. thaliana were prepared by CRISPR/Cas9‐mediated genome editing to investigate the role of WHIRLY1 during early seedling development. The loss‐of‐function of WHIRLY1 in 5‐day‐old seedlings did not cause differences in the phenotype and the photosynthetic performance of the emerging cotyledons compared with the wild type. Nevertheless, comparative RNA sequencing analysis revealed that the knockout of WHIRLY1 affected the expression of a small but specific set of genes during this critical phase of development. About 110 genes were found to be significantly deregulated in the knockout mutant, wherein several genes involved in the early steps of aliphatic glucosinolate (GSL) biosynthesis were suppressed compared with wild‐type plants. The downregulation of these genes in WHIRLY1 knockout lines led to decreased GSL contents in seedlings and in seeds. Since GSL catabolism mediated by myrosinases was not altered during seed‐to‐seedling transition, the results suggest that AtWHIRLY1 plays a major role in modulation of aliphatic GSL biosynthesis during early seedling development. In addition, phylogenetic analysis revealed a coincidence between the evolution of methionine‐derived aliphatic GSLs and the addition of a new WHIRLY in core families of the plant order Brassicales.
Abel, S.; Naumann, C.; Evolution of phosphate scouting in the terrestrial biosphere Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 379, 20230355, (2024) DOI: 10.1098/rstb.2023.0355
Chemistry assigns phosphorus and its most oxidized form, inorganic phosphate, unique roles for propelling bioenergetics and metabolism in all domains of life, possibly since its very origin on prebiotic Earth. For plants, access to the vital mineral nutrient profoundly affects growth, development and vigour, thus constraining net primary productivity in natural ecosystems and crop production in modern agriculture. Unlike other major biogenic elements, the low abundance and uneven distribution of phosphate in Earth’s crust result from the peculiarities of phosphorus cosmochemistry and geochemistry. Here, we trace the chemical evolution of the element, the geochemical phosphorus cycle and its acceleration during Earth’s history until the present (Anthropocene) as well as during the evolution and rise of terrestrial plants. We highlight the chemical and biological processes of phosphate mobilization and acquisition, first evolved in bacteria, refined in fungi and algae and expanded into powerful phosphate-prospecting strategies during land plant colonization. Furthermore, we review the evolution of the genetic and molecular networks from bacteria to terrestrial plants, which monitor intracellular and extracellular phosphate availabilities and coordinate the appropriate responses and adjustments to fluctuating phosphate supply. Lastly, we discuss the modern global phosphorus cycle deranged by human activity and the challenges imposed ahead.
This article is part of the theme issue ‘Evolution and diversity of plant metabolism’.
Montpetit, J.; Clúa, J.; Hsieh, Y.-F.; Vogiatzaki, E.; Müller, J.; Abel, S.; Strasser, R.; Poirier, Y.; Endoplasmic reticulum calnexins participate in the primary root growth response to phosphate deficiency Plant Physiol. 191, 1719-1733, (2023) DOI: 10.1093/plphys/kiac595
Accumulation of incompletely folded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) leads to ER stress, activates ER protein degradation pathways, and upregulates genes involved in protein folding. This process is known as the unfolded protein response (UPR). The role of ER protein folding in plant responses to nutrient deficiencies is unclear. We analyzed Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants affected in ER protein quality control and established that both CALNEXIN (CNX) genes function in the primary root’s response to phosphate (Pi) deficiency. CNX1 and CNX2 are homologous ER lectins promoting protein folding of N-glycosylated proteins via the recognition of the GlcMan9GlcNAc2 glycan. Growth of cnx1-1 and cnx2-2 single mutants was similar to that of the wild type under high and low Pi conditions, but the cnx1-1 cnx2-2 double mutant showed decreased primary root growth under low Pi conditions due to reduced meristematic cell division. This phenotype was specific to Pi deficiency; the double mutant responded normally to osmotic and salt stress. Expression of CNX2 mutated in amino acids involved in binding the GlcMan9GlcNAc2 glycan failed to complement the cnx1-1 cnx2-2 mutant. The root growth phenotype was Fe dependent and was associated with root apoplastic Fe accumulation. Two genes involved in Fe-dependent inhibition of primary root growth under Pi deficiency, the ferroxidase LOW PHOSPHATE 1 (LPR1) and P5-type ATPase PLEIOTROPIC DRUG RESISTANCE 2 (PDR2) were epistatic to CNX1/CNX2. Overexpressing PDR2 failed to complement the cnx1-1 cnx2-2 root phenotype. The cnx1-1 cnx2-2 mutant showed no evidence of UPR activation, indicating a limited effect on ER protein folding. CNX might process a set of N-glycosylated proteins specifically involved in the response to Pi deficiency.
Meena, S. K.; Heidecker, M.; Engelmann, S.; Jaber, A.; de Vries, T.; Triller, S.; Baumann‐Kaschig, K.; Abel, S.; Behrens, S.; Gago-Zachert, S.; Altered expression levels of long noncoding natural antisense transcripts overlapping the
gene affect rosette size in
Arabidopsis thaliana Plant J. 113, 460-477, (2023) DOI: 10.1111/tpj.16058
Natural antisense long noncoding RNAs (lncNATs) are involved in the regulation of gene expression in plants, modulating different relevant developmental processes and responses to various stimuli. We have identified and characterized two lncNATs (NAT1UGT73C6 and NAT2UGT73C6, collectively NATsUGT73C6) from Arabidopsis thaliana that are transcribed from gene fully overlapping UGT73C6, a member of the UGT73C subfamily of genes encoding UDP-glycosyltransferases (UGTs). Expression of both NATsUGT73C6 is developmentally controlled and occurs independently of the transcription of UGT73C6 in cis. Downregulation of NATsUGT73C6 levels through artificial microRNAs results in a reduction of the rosette area, while constitutive overexpression of NAT1UGT73C6 or NAT2UGT73C6 leads to the opposite phenotype, an increase in rosette size. This activity of NATsUGT73C6 relies on its RNA sequence, and, although modulation of UGT73C6 in cis cannot be excluded, the observed phenotypes are not a consequence of the regulation of UGT73C6 in trans. The NATsUGT73C6 levels were shown to affect cell proliferation and thus individual leaf size. Consistent with this concept, our data suggest that the NATsUGT73C6 influence the expression levels of key transcription factors involved in regulating leaf growth by modulating cell proliferation. These findings thus reveal an additional regulatory layer on the process of leaf growth.
Naumann, C.; Heisters, M.; Brandt, W.; Janitza, P.; Alfs, C.; Tang, N.; Toto Nienguesso, A.; Ziegler, J.; Imre, R.; Mechtler, K.; Dagdas, Y.; Hoehenwarter, W.; Sawers, G.; Quint, M.; Abel, S.; Bacterial-type ferroxidase tunes iron-dependent phosphate sensing during Arabidopsis root development Curr. Biol. 32, 2189-2205, (2022) DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2022.04.005
Access to inorganic phosphate (Pi), a principal intermediate of energy and nucleotide metabolism, profoundly affects cellular activities and plant performance. In most soils, antagonistic Pi-metal interactions restrict Pi bioavailability, which guides local root development to maximize Pi interception. Growing root tips scout the essential but immobile mineral nutrient; however, the mechanisms monitoring external Pi sta-tus are unknown. Here, we show that Arabidopsis LOW PHOSPHATE ROOT 1 (LPR1), one key determinant of Fe-dependent Pi sensing in root meristems, encodes a novel ferroxidase of high substrate specificity and affinity (apparent KM ∼2 μmM Fe2+). LPR1 typifies an ancient, Fe-oxidizing multicopper protein family that evolved early upon bacterial land colonization. The ancestor of streptophyte algae and embryophytes (land plants) acquired LPR1-type ferroxidase from soil bacteria via horizontal gene transfer, a hypothesis supported by phylogenomics, homology modeling, and biochemistry. Our molecular and kinetic data on LPR1 regulation indicate that Pi-dependent Fe substrate availability determines LPR1 activity and function. Guided by the metabolic lifestyle of extant sister bacterial genera, we propose that Arabidopsis LPR1 monitors subtle concentration differentials of external Fe availability as a Pi-dependent cue to adjust root meristem maintenance via Fe redox signaling and cell wall modification. We further hypothesize that the acquisition of bacterial LPR1-type ferroxidase by embryophyte progenitors facilitated the evolution of local Pi sensing and acquisition during plant terrestrialization.
Mercier, C.; Roux, B.; Havé, M.; Le Poder, L.; Duong, N.; David, P.; Leonhardt, N.; Blanchard, L.; Naumann, C.; Abel, S.; Cuyas, L.; Pluchon, S.; Laurent, N.; Desnos, T.; Root responses to aluminium and iron stresses require the SIZ1 SUMO ligase to modulate the STOP1 transcription factor Plant J. 108, 1507-1521, (2021) DOI: 10.1111/tpj.15525
STOP1, an Arabidopsis transcription factor favouring root growth
tolerance against Al toxicity, acts in the response to iron under low Pi
(-Pi). Previous studies have shown that Al and Fe regulate the
stability and accumulation of STOP1 in roots, and that the STOP1 protein
is sumoylated by an unknown E3 ligase. Here, using a forward genetics
suppressor screen, we identified the E3 SUMO (small ubiquitin-like
modifier) ligase SIZ1 as a modulator of STOP1 signalling. Mutations in
SIZ1 increase the expression of ALMT1 (a direct target of STOP1) and
root growth responses to Al and Fe stress in a STOP1-dependent manner.
Moreover, loss-of-function mutations in SIZ1 enhance the abundance of
STOP1 in the root tip. However, no sumoylated STOP1 protein was detected
by western blot analysis in our sumoylation assay in E. coli,
suggesting the presence of a more sophisticated mechanism. We conclude
that the sumo ligase SIZ1 negatively regulates STOP1 signalling, at
least in part by modulating STOP1 protein in the root tip. Our results
will allow a better understanding of this signalling pathway.
Kumari, P.; Dahiya, P.; Livanos, P.; Zergiebel, L.; Kölling, M.; Poeschl, Y.; Stamm, G.; Hermann, A.; Abel, S.; Müller, S.; Bürstenbinder, K.; IQ67 DOMAIN proteins facilitate preprophase band formation and division-plane orientation Nat. Plants 7, 739-747, (2021) DOI: 10.1038/s41477-021-00923-z
Spatiotemporal control of cell division is essential for the growth and development of multicellular organisms. In plant cells, proper cell plate insertion during cytokinesis relies on the premitotic establishment of the division plane at the cell cortex. Two plant-specific cytoskeleton arrays, the preprophase band (PPB) and the phragmoplast, play important roles in division-plane orientation and cell plate formation, respectively1. Microtubule organization and dynamics and their communication with membranes at the cortex and cell plate are coordinated by multiple, mostly distinct microtubule-associated proteins2. How division-plane selection and establishment are linked, however, is still unknown. Here, we report members of the Arabidopsis IQ67 DOMAIN (IQD) family3 as microtubule-targeted proteins that localize to the PPB and phragmoplast and additionally reside at the cell plate and a polarized cortical region including the cortical division zone (CDZ). IQDs physically interact with PHRAGMOPLAST ORIENTING KINESIN (POK) proteins4,5 and PLECKSTRIN HOMOLOGY GTPase ACTIVATING (PHGAP) proteins6, which are core components of the CDZ1. The loss of IQD function impairs PPB formation and affects CDZ recruitment of POKs and PHGAPs, resulting in division-plane positioning defects. We propose that IQDs act as cellular scaffolds that facilitate PPB formation and CDZ set-up during symmetric cell division.
Klionsky, D. J.; Abdel-Aziz, A. K.; Abdelfatah, S.; Abdellatif, M.; Abdoli, A.; Abel, S.; Naumann, C.; et al., .; Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition) Autophagy 17, 1-382, (2021) DOI: 10.1080/15548627.2020.1797280
In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Thus, it is important to formulate on a regular basis updated guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Despite numerous reviews, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to evaluate autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we present a set of guidelines for investigators to select and interpret methods to examine autophagy and related processes, and for reviewers to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of reports that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a dogmatic set of rules, because the appropriateness of any assay largely depends on the question being asked and the system being used. Moreover, no individual assay is perfect for every situation, calling for the use of multiple techniques to properly monitor autophagy in each experimental setting. Finally, several core components of the autophagy machinery have been implicated in distinct auto-phagic processes (canonical and noncanonical autophagy), implying that genetic approaches to block autophagy should rely on targeting two or more autophagy-related genes that ideally participate in distinct steps of the pathway. Along similar lines, because multiple proteins involved in autophagy also regulate other cellular pathways including apoptosis, not all of them can be used as a specific marker for bona fide autophagic responses. Here, we critically discuss current methods of assessing autophagy and the information they can, or cannot, provide. Our ultimate goal is to encourage intellectual and technical innovation in the field.
Chutia, R.; Scharfenberg, S.; Neumann, S.; Abel, S.; Ziegler, J.; Modulation of phosphate deficiency-induced metabolic changes by iron availability in Arabidopsis thaliana Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 7609, (2021) DOI: 10.3390/ijms22147609
Concurrent suboptimal supply of several nutrients requires the coordination of nutrient-specific transcriptional, phenotypic, and metabolic changes in plants in order to optimize growth and development in most agricultural and natural ecosystems. Phosphate (Pi) and iron (Fe) deficiency induce overlapping but mostly opposing transcriptional and root growth responses in Arabidopsis thaliana. On the metabolite level, Pi deficiency negatively modulates Fe deficiency-induced coumarin accumulation, which is controlled by Fe as well as Pi deficiency response regulators. Here, we report the impact of Fe availability on seedling growth under Pi limiting conditions and on Pi deficiency-induced accumulation of amino acids and organic acids, which play important roles in Pi use efficiency. Fe deficiency in Pi replete conditions hardly changed growth and metabolite profiles in roots and shoots of Arabidopsis thaliana, but partially rescued growth under conditions of Pi starvation and severely modulated Pi deficiency-induced metabolic adjustments. Analysis of T-DNA insertion lines revealed the concerted coordination of metabolic profiles by regulators of Fe (FIT, bHLH104, BRUTUS, PYE) as well as of Pi (SPX1, PHR1, PHL1, bHLH32) starvation responses. The results show the interdependency of Pi and Fe availability and the interplay between Pi and Fe starvation signaling on the generation of plant metabolite profiles.
Stephani, M.; Picchianti, L.; Gajic, A.; Beveridge, R.; Skarwan, E.; Sanchez de Medina Hernandez, V.; Mohseni, A.; Clavel, M.; Zeng, Y.; Naumann, C.; Matuszkiewicz, M.; Turco, E.; Loefke, C.; Li, B.; Durnberger, G.; Schutzbier, M.; Chen, H. T.; Abdrakhmanov, A.; Savova, A.; Chia, K.-S.; Djamei, A.; Schaffner, I.; Abel, S.; Jiang, L.; Mechtler, K.; Ikeda, F.; Martens, S.; Clausen, T.; Dagdas, Y.; A cross-kingdom conserved ER-phagy receptor maintains endoplasmic reticulum homeostasis during stress bioRxiv (2020) DOI: 10.1101/2020.03.18.995316
Eukaryotes have evolved various quality control mechanisms to promote proteostasis in the ER. Selective removal of certain ER domains via autophagy (termed as ER-phagy) has emerged as a major quality control mechanism. However, the degree to which ER-phagy is employed by other branches of ER-quality control remains largely elusive. Here, we identify a cytosolic protein, C53, that is specifically recruited to autophagosomes during ER-stress, in both plant and mammalian cells. C53 interacts with ATG8 via a distinct binding epitope, featuring a shuffled ATG8 interacting motif (sAIM). C53 senses proteotoxic stress in the ER lumen by forming a tripartite receptor complex with the ER-associated ufmylation ligase UFL1 and its membrane adaptor DDRGK1. The C53/UFL1/DDRGK1 receptor complex is activated by stalled ribosomes and induces the degradation of internal or passenger proteins in the ER. Consistently, the C53 receptor complex and ufmylation mutants are highly susceptible to ER stress. Thus, C53 forms an ancient quality control pathway that bridges selective autophagy with ribosome-associated quality control at the ER.