Energy Management
Energy management at the IPB comprises all planned and implemented measures to ensure a minimum energy input for the required performance.
Energy Initiative Halle (Saale)
The IPB is member of the Halle (Saale) Energy Initiative. Companies, research institutes, the city of Halle (Saale) and other institutions, together with the Stadtwerke Halle and EVH, agreed on the declaration of intent to shape the transition to alternative energy resources in a cooperative effort. Further information on the energy initiative is available at:
The energy management system is the basis for systematically determining the energy flows within the institute and for deciding on investments to optimize energy efficiency. A functioning EnM enables the institute to continuously improve its energy performance by a systemic approach incorporating all legal requirements and other obligations.
Through our EnM energy policies, internal audits as well as a regular review by the management will be organized and performed.
Cost savings
The institute had a cost increase in the area of electricity of about 47% in the years 2008 to 2012. Since further cost increases were expected due to the increase in levies, countermeasures had to be taken. By introducing energy management, it was possible to reduce media consumption by about 15% by 2019. This reduction in consumption is based on about 90 individual measures.
By 2015, the institute generated annual CO2 emissions of approx. 4.700t through its consumption of electricity and district heating. By switching the electricity supply to green electricity in 2016, the current-related CO2 emissions could be minimized by 3.500t per year.
The preparation of raw data for visualization and the generation of key figures is an important contribution to making comparisons and contributes to the sensitization of the employees. As part of the introduction of the energy management system, the institute has installed about 200 meters, which serve as the basis for the formation of key figures. These are made available internally to all employees in a web-based tool.
- Annual overview of total electricity and district heating usage
- Annual overview of the individual departments
- Daily overview of the main electricity consumers
- Annual overview of cost savings
- Annual overview of CO2 savings
All members of our institute have an influence on energy consumption and thus are responsible for an efficient use of resources. Management and Board of Directors control the measures of the energy management. Since February 2013 our energy management team meets regularly once a month to coordinate the energy saving measures and to implement them in the departments. The members come from all departments and serve as contact persons for all institute employees, who are interested in this topic and want to influence it.
For further information and questions please do not hesitate to contact our energy manager Tino Körner.
Also see our objectives and measures.